By Alexander L Passah | 21-06-2022 Meghalaya has seen a substantial surge in social media usage in recent years. During the pandemic, this was greatly accelerated. Individuals must remain critical of social media and its link with development and employment, despite the numerous benefits that emerge from its use in terms of alternative livelihood prospects. Read…
By Dr Medari Janai Tham | 21-06-2022 Natural Language Processing (NLP) allows any human language to communicate with a computer. It is a step toward developing tools that will improve a Khasi speaker’s computer usage: for example, he can communicate with non-Khasi speakers via machine translation, which translates Khasi to another language and vice versa;…
In India, political debates revolve around the puzzle of “politics of recognition” (Ruparelia, 2008). Demonstrating identities based on caste, language, and religion thus forms a dominant part of the political discourse and discusses the ways in which the state can accommodate various minority groups and identities. In this drive, in an increasing digitally networked democratic…
The Sixth Schedule of the Constitution was designed to determine a degree of autonomy to the tribal groups inhabiting the wholly or partially excluded areas (Scheduled Areas) in order to look after their issues relating to definite subjects. As a result, Autonomous District Councils (ADCs) were created for the scheduled areas in Assam union. Similar…
The North East Digital Economy and Society Index is a composite index that seeks to summarize relevant indicators on North East India’s digital performance and track the evolution of the North Eastern States in digital competitiveness. The key dimensions covered are – Access to connectivity, Human Capital, Use of Internet Services, Integration of Digital Technology,…
The North East India Social Progress Index (NEISPI) seeks to measure the extent to which the States of the region provide for the social and environmental needs of their citizens in a post Covid world order. Critical indicators, aligned with the UN SDG Goals 2030 in the areas of basic human needs, foundations of well-being,…
There have been efforts to undertake critical measures and steps by the State Government of Assam for improving social and economic conditions of the vulnerable tea tribe community in recent years, the community producing 53% of India’s total tea production. A slew of public schemes have been designed and being delivered by the State Tea…
The State of Assam ranks third in India in cyber-crimes against women in 2019 as per the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) report, released in October 2020. With this, the State continues to be in this spot for past three years now, in 2017, 2018 and 2019. This is but alarming considering many cases goes…